Sunday, October 24, 2004


What a saturday.. raining for the whole day man... really like this weather can sleep whole day! haha... need to catch up with my sleep.. tonight will be a great night to sleep!!

just had dinner with kris and sy.... another dinner u all may say .. nothing special u all may say again.. but every dinner to us is a special date and i simply love the time spend with them.. and dinner together will be rare in the future.. so must treasure now! we had sakae sushi and hmm.... i love it! a waste sy dun eat sashimi... that's the best man..

then.. we presented k our book! the book that sy and me had put alot of effort in.. to make it as detailed as precise as possible of our childhood life all the way to present status... its a good summary book... and i like it alot myself. and definitely the best present for k before she leaves.

Kristie... i hope u do well in the circus. and like i said in my card. whenever u need someone's ears to listen to ur complaints, happy experience, unhappy encounter. my ears is always ready for u.
will miss her but i'm very sure we'll meet up whenever time permits us to do so.

i'd promise to maintain my blog as frequent as i can. the fact that u'll be reading my blog creates a drives for me to update too! see.. i'm putting my promise to action and am updating now!
will do it constantly dun worry..

really wish ur passport won't be ready first then u can stay longer.. selfish of me... but i dun care! remember our wednesday night... please grant my this small little wish dear... let me go party with u another night.. no matter how short it may be.. i'll still enjoy to the fullest! so please.......

and lastly... anyone know where to download movie? or best.. anyone have saturday night fever VCD? can borrow? ?? or kris, u pass to me on wednesday lor...

1 comment:

Kristie said...

thanks for your sweet words! :) i am really touched by and sy's words and efforts, you are truly best friends that I'll always remember!
the dvd with me lah, meet up next week for dinner, i'll pass to you!